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36 Million Bookings Can’t Be Wrong: What’s Driving Online Course Scheduling Popularity?

The world’s a busy place. So busy in fact, that we often forget to leave room for business and pleasure. America, according to The Atlantic, is home to a “sophisticated market for human capital” and a “culture that values work and sees that as an essential element of identity.” To that end, CNBC further points out that “Americans work on average 44 hours per week and, in some industries, it’s more like 60 hours.”

We need to rein in this type of behavior while making it easier to make time for things that bring us happiness. Bookeo’s online course scheduling software is one way of accomplishing both. Let’s say that you’ve been looking for an after-work or after-school yoga class that doesn’t interfere with other weekday obligations. You’re already bringing a number of obligations to the table that will make scheduling a not-so-simple affair. If the yoga studio or instructor you’re looking to work with happens to use Bookeo’s online course scheduling program, you’ll be able to narrow down the search. This means advance knowledge of class types, times and open seats/availability. Best of all -- and this part gets at the heart of our seemingly always-on culture -- this program allows customers to secure their spot (or seat) online. No phone calls. No reading off of debit card PIN numbers. Just a few clicks and you’re in.

Naturally, many of these aspects will appeal to business owners who want to offer the same perks to potential customers while being able to keep better tabs on their own operations. On top of the paperless booking done sans phone calls and acceptance of cash at the door, Bookeo’s online course scheduling keeps a digital record of each and every upcoming event. This makes keeping track of registered attendees, program topics, total open seats, promotion and easier than ever. From the business perspective, the voucher, drop-in and pre-paid factor is a way of increasing the ease of doing business. These factors are also accounted for within the online course scheduling software, which means fewer consumers will be turned away.

Nearly 40,000 Bookeo administrators and 36 million bookings can’t be wrong. These totals represent people who’ve turned to a modern way of handling their daily business and continued growth goes to show what’s possible with a few mouse clicks.

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